Wednesday, January 1, 2014

It's His Kingdom

Let's just say I'm not a huge fan of New Year's resolutions.  However, last night Becca and I ran a 5k as a part of the First Night festivities in Spokane, and of course it was called "The Resolution Run."  We were all invited to write down our resolution for 2014, run the race, and then throw the resolution into a fire at the end of the race.  I thought to myself, "That's perfect, because most resolutions go up in smoke anyway!"  Even though I didn't write one down, I do have a plan for 2014.  But first, here's the back story:

My Bible reading plan and
stack of journals
Eleven years ago a pastor friend of mine invited me to read and journal along with him through the year.  I happened to work for him, so it was really more of an assignment than a simple invitation!  Well, eleven years later I'm still using that same Bible reading plan and have found it to be a great launching pad for my personal devotional life as well as a great resource for preaching.  It gives me enough structure for genuine accountability while leaving me free to use the resource rather than be a slave to it.

Although in 2003 my journaling was fairly spontaneous, it's developed into writing on a different theme each year.  For example, 2011's theme was marriage, 2012 was leadership, and 2013 was prayer.  I usually write down one or two verses a day that speak to the topic, as well as what I feel God is teaching me.  Sometimes, I write down a simple prayer that gives voice to my heart's response to Jesus.  Do I write every day?  No.  Do I always write on just this one topic?  No.  Is there flexibility here?  Absolutely.

The point here is that my plan for 2014 is to discover the topic of the Kingdom of God.  It's been a passion of mine for years, coming out in songs, prayers, sermons, etc., but I've never taken the opportunity to be systematic about reading the Bible with God's kingdom in mind.  Here's to a great year of learning about the Kingdom of God!  What do you feel God stirring your heart to learn?  Why not ask Him!  Then, whatever reading plan you choose, I'd invite you to learn from God along with me this year.  He has great adventures in store for us, and great instruction to equip us along the way.

I may not have written down a "resolution" but I'll be writing all year long anyway!  Look for more on the Kingdom of God on the blog this year.  Here's a sample from today's reading/journaling.
Date: January 1, 2013
Title:  It's His Kingdom
Jon's journal entry from January 1, 2013
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth....  Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...'  And God blessed them.  And God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion...'" (Genesis 1:1,26,28, ESV)

At the beginning of time as we know it there was God.  God created the heavens and the earth, the skies, the waters, the land, the fish, the birds, the other animals and plants, and ultimately mankind.  Man was different than the rest of creation, formed in the image of God and specially blessed by Him.  "Man" - male and female together - was commissioned by God to be fruitful, to multiply, to fill the earth and subdue it.  They were commissioned to have dominion (authority, leadership and stewardship) over all the earth.
It's important to realize that everything begins with God, and that mankind, both individually and as a whole, is subject to this ultimate King.  From His authority comes a powerful commissioning, a blessing, to enjoy relationship with one another and to be a blessing to the whole earth that He created.  From the first chapter of The Story of God, He is drawing mankind into a special relationship with Him and into a very unique place in His kingdom.  But it's still His kingdom. 
Prayer:  Lord, open my eyes this year to the wonders of Your eternal kingdom, to Your rule and reign, Your ways and Your purpose, Your sovereignty, and Your majesty in earth and in heaven!

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